人人都希望在别人面前展现出自己和善或者好人的一面。往往碍于人情面子或者各种各样的“关系”,我们经常违心地说出“YES”.可是所有的成功者都告诉说,不会拒绝的人,是很难进步的。因为懂得拒绝才会懂得“选择”。如果说了“不”,是不是就会做 “恶人”了?其实并没有,来看看下个视频
Saying No for the Sake of Your Wallet
说 ”不“有益钱包
案例 1
A friend in need asks for a Trump-worthy loan.
〓 你该怎么说NO 〓
“I wish I could, but as a rule, I don’t lend money to friends.”
〓 为什么要这样说 〓
It’s clear that you are not singling out this person as untrustworthy.
〓 为何无需自责 〓
Lending any amount of money can cause problems, says communications trainer Don Gabor. “It can change the nature of your relationship if the person doesn’t pay you back.”
无论借多少钱都是一种麻烦,人际沟通导师Don Gabor说过:“如果有借无还,谈钱伤感情(你们的关系性质就会改变)”
〓 如何避免再次发生 〓
How to avoid the situation in the future: Never lend money to friends and you won’t get a reputation as a walking, breathing ATM.
案例 2
A co-worker wants you to chip in $25 for a gift for a colleague you wouldn’t recognize at the watercooler.
有个同事找你凑份子钱合买礼物给另外一个同事。 而这个同事对你来说,完全不熟,甚至脸都对不上。
〓 你该怎么说NO 〓
Oh, I’ve never really had a conversation with Sam. I think I’ll just wish him a happy birthday in person.”
〓 为什么要这样说 〓
Chances are, the person taking donations has no idea how close you are (or are not) with the intended recipient. By clarifying the nature of your relationship―and emphasizing your intention to get to know the person better―you come across as thoughtful rather than cheap.
〓 为何无需自责 〓
“A gift isn’t a gift if it’s an obligation,” say etiquette writers Kim Izzo and Ceri Marsh.
Kim Izzo and Ceri Marsh曾说”当礼物成为义务时,就失去了意义。”
〓 如何避免再次发生 〓
How to avoid the situation in the future: If workplace gift giving is getting out of hand, take the lead in restoring sanity by circulating a card before someone can break out the gift-donation plate. Make sure others know you don’t expect anything on your birthday.
Saying No for the Sake of Your Time
案例 3
You are offered a promotion that you don’t want. Even though it means more money, it demands more hours and more of what your boss calls responsibility and you call tedium.
〓 你该怎么说NO 〓
“I’m flattered that you want me, but for personal reasons I’m not in a situation where I can take this on. Perhaps in a year from now things will be different. Can we talk again if my circumstances change?”
〓 为何这样说 〓
If you’re caught in this enviable dilemma, your boss will understand you have personal priorities that take precedence.
〓 为何无需自责 〓
Why you shouldn’t feel guilty: By saying no to more time at the office, you’re saying yes to other things you cherish, be they long walks alone at sunset or evening time with your children.
〓 如何避免再次发生 〓
“If a position opens up at your workplace, you could let it be known that you are not in the running,” Breitman suggests. Being forthright saves your manager the trouble of pursuing a candidate who isn’t interested.
如果有升职机会,你可以让人知道你并没有追求于此。Breitman 建议:“直爽地表态可以让你的经历省去游说(一个感兴趣的候选人)的麻烦
案例 4
Your boss asks you to supervise this season’s intern―last seen with her feet up on a desk, iPod on, Gameboy in hand.
〓 应该怎么说NO 〓
“Wow, that’s an interesting project. I’m really busy with the ABC assignment right now, so let me know if you want me to re-prioritize.”
〓 为什么这样说 〓
Asking your boss to prioritize tasks for you means you don’t have to actually say the no word,” Breitman says. If she tells you to just squeeze the new task in, then do it. But keep a list of all the extra work you’ve done―for your next review.
〓 为何无需自责 〓
Why you shouldn’t feel guilty: You really do have enough work to do as it is.
〓 如何避免再次发生 〓
How to avoid the situation in the future: If extra tasks keep getting dumped on your desk, ask your boss for a meeting. Explain that the added assignments are making it hard to do your primary job properly. Ask if she wants to review your job description (and renegotiate your salary while she’s at it).
Saying No for the Sake of Your Sanity
案例 5
A friend asks to borrow your car (because hers is in the shop to repair the dent she got while driving, talking on her cell phone, and unwrapping her kid’s juice-box straw).
〓 应该怎么说NO 〓
“I don’t lend anything worth more than $1,000.” Try to avoid the old “I don’t have insurance for a non-family member” excuse―most insurance policies cover the car, not specific drivers. (If your friend got into an accident, it could make your premium go up, though.) If you have time, offer her a ride instead.
〓 为什么这样说 〓
“It puts the blame on you,” explains author Patti Breitman. “Just don’t indicate you don’t trust the friend.”
表明是你的责任,作家Patti Breitman说,不要表现出你对朋友的不信任”
〓 为何无需自责 〓
“Your car is probably the first or second most valuable thing you own,” says Breitman. “You’re protecting a big financial asset.” Plus, if your friend were to get into an accident, your relationship might be totaled, too.
“你的车很可能是属于你第二值钱的东西。”Breitman 说“你在保护一笔很大的财产”,此外,如果你的朋友开着你的车出了事故,那你们的关系很可能也将遭遇“车祸”
〓 如何避免再次发生 〓
How to avoid the situation in the future: Let your friends know that while you’re typically a generous lender (“Of course you can borrow my snorkeling gear!”), your car is off-limits.
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